
All curriculum for the Leadership Exchange is developed and delivered by the CISO community. We are currently conducting research with the Twin Cities Leadership Board to finalize the agenda.

Below is a list of agenda themes identified by the community which will be reflected on the final program. Please check back for updates!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 9:40 AM

Security incidents can be unpredictable, and the increased complexity of an organization’s environment requires security teams to act quickly in a high-pressure situation. This session explores the challenges, best practices, and resources to prepare your team and enterprise for controlled, confident action amidst the chaos. Discuss: 

  • Effective tabletop exercises to prepare and practice IR enterprise wide
  • Adapting to key threats in the cybersecurity landscape
  • Creating a feedback loop between threat detection, mitigation, and IR preparedness
9:55 AM - 10:40 AM

Identity access management is a critical element of security program innovation, laying the groundwork for organizational agility, innovation, and a consistent security posture. Discuss IAM implementation and maturation with your peers, exploring:     

  • Next gen technology governing the identity and access lifecycle   
  • Challenges addressing threat actors evolving attacks on identity 
  • Developing new metrics on the effectiveness of your IAM architecture  

More than ever, artificial Intelligence is a pervasive part of business workflows. Employees, customers, and vendors alike have learned to harness the speed and power of machines to strengthen their capabilities. Leaders must balance the advantages of AI with the need for measured and intuitive interactions with a people and process. This breakout session will address:

  • Lessons learned from AI initiatives
  • Key data privacy concerns for AI initiatives
10:40 AM - 11:05 AM
11:05 AM - 11:50 AM

With the increasing complexity of attacks, tooling, and security processes, organizations must simplify their approach to cybersecurity. This panel discussion will address ways security leaders can think differently about building a cybersecurity program, including:

  • Adopting new technologies to drive simplicity
  • Creating more powerful connection between IT and IS teams.

Organizations run critical operations on an interconnected digital ecosystem creating seamless connectivity and enhancing user experiences. But it also creates an easy target for sophisticated threat actors and demands CISOs have a robust application security posture. This collaborative roundtable explores: 

  • Challenges to maintain visibility into application security
  • How AI is enabling new opportunities and creating risk
  • Advice to stay abreast of and prepare for emerging threats
11:50 AM - 1:00 PM
1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Understanding the current threat landscape and your attack surface is crucial to preparing for today’s most significant risks. CISOs must keep their organizations ready to handle rising threats, building a strong security culture capable of outpacing threat actors. This panel discussion will reflect on how CISOs and technology partners prepare for today’s most significant risks and argue for adopting an innovative mindset that embraces the steady accumulation of small advancements.

  • Adapting strategy to emerging technology trends
  • Driving effective communication with business leaders to accomplish innovation
1:30 PM - 1:40 PM
1:40 PM - 2:05 PM
2:05 PM - 2:50 PM

When dealing with an underperforming security program, senior stakeholders are invested in building out their cybersecurity capabilities, but as CISOs mature their program, it becomes harder to argue for greater investment from the business. In this collaborative small-group discussion, local security leaders share best practices on sustaining a higher level of maturity. Session will address:

  • Enabling security team to address operational challenges and innovative projects
  • Building support with stakeholders for additional resources
  • Adapting messaging to account for success of security initiatives
3:10 PM - 3:40 PM

Improving your organization's cybersecurity program requires more than having the right technical skills. High performing security leaders know how to translate their organization’s biggest challenges into a compelling story that drives security results across the business. In this panel discussion, experienced executives share insights on what it means to be a high performing leader and how to build the skills CISOs need to get better engagement with their organization.

  • Adapting leadership approach to constantly evolving industry
  • Improving core leadership skills
4:20 PM - 5:00 PM