
All curriculum for the Leadership Exchange is developed and delivered by the CISO community. We are currently conducting research with the Philadelphia Leadership Board to finalize the agenda.

Below is a list of confirmed topics identified by the community. Please check back for updates as we finalize additional sessions!

Tuesday, October 29, 2024
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 9:40 AM

Security incidents can be unpredictable, and the increased complexity of an organization’s environment requires security teams to act quickly in a high-pressure situation. This session explores the challenges, best practices, and resources to prepare your team and enterprise for controlled, confident action amidst the chaos. Discuss: 

  • Effective tabletop exercises to prepare and practice IR enterprise wide
  • Adapting to key threats in the cybersecurity landscape
  • Creating a feedback loop between threat detection, mitigation, and IR preparedness
Krista Arndt
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

When dealing with an underperforming security program, senior stakeholders are invested in building out their cybersecurity capabilities, but as CISOs mature their program, it becomes harder to argue for greater investment from the business. In this collaborative small-group discussion, local security leaders share best practices on sustaining a higher level of maturity. Session will address:

  • Enabling security team to address operational challenges and innovative projects
  • Building support with stakeholders for additional resources
  • Adapting messaging to account for success of security initiatives
Chris Shull

More than ever, artificial Intelligence is a pervasive part of business workflows. Employees, customers, and vendors alike have learned to harness the speed and power of machines to strengthen their capabilities. Leaders must balance the advantages of AI with the need for measured and intuitive interactions with a people and process. This breakout session will address:

  • Lessons learned from AI initiatives
  • Key data privacy concerns for AI initiatives
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM
11:30 AM - 12:15 PM

Having a complete solution in the cloud means investing in a complex array of tools, but the right combination of solutions is different for every organization. Security leaders must develop a strategy that enables an innovative approach to data security without overspending. In this collaborative, small group discussion, local security leaders discuss:

  • Selecting the right technology for the business
  • Innovating data posture management strategy
Edward Broderick

Every year, cybersecurity teams must adapt their program to address the newest threats. However, spending too much time responding to the evolving threat landscape can prevent teams from proactively improving their cyber defense. The most effective security leaders empower their organization to be more proactive. In this collaborative discussion, local security leaders share insights on: 

  • Leveraging threat intelligence to inform strategy
  • Optimizing security program to foster proactive security
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

Security leaders have a crucial position in defining their organization’s approach to resiliency. As the number and severity of cybersecurity attacks continues to increase, effective security leaders can leverage their position to create a holistic resiliency plan. In this session, senior security leaders share insight on:

  • Building technical resiliency in your security program
  • Fostering resiliency across business departments 
  • Defining personal resiliency in the face of complex security incidents
Jessica Hoffman
2:00 PM - 2:30 PM
2:30 PM - 3:10 PM

Developing an innovative security program will not impact risk if the business overlooks security fundamentals. The drive the most value for the organization, security leaders must relentlessly identify and measure their organization’s core risks. In this collaborative small group discussion, local security leaders discuss:

  • Identifying fundamental security controls 
  • Maximizing value of security investment on core controls
3:40 PM - 4:10 PM

Check back in for additional agenda details.

4:20 PM - 5:00 PM