Venue Information

Convene- Willis Tower

233 S Wacker Dr.

Chicago, IL 60606

Frequently Asked Questions

  • CISO-developed curriculum focused on education, thought leadership, and best practice sharing
  • Interactive sessions including boardroom meetings, Q&As, and networking breaks and meals
  • No vendor sales pitches or 'booth', only structured technology education
  • Expand your personal network with your community's cybersecurity elite
  • The Chatham House Rule applies
  • Earn CPE accreditation
  • 5-Star hotel accommodations, meals, and receptions
  • Executive Leadership Development
  • CISO-Led Case Studies
  • CISO-Developed Resource Guides
  • Emerging Threat Intelligence
  • Workforce Strategies
  • Boardroom and Business Leader Engagement
  • Offensive and Proactive Security Design

CISOS, Emerging Executives, and Risk Management Leaders.

As an intimate, executive-level event, attendance is reserved for an organization's most senior cybersecurity executive (CISO or CISO equivalent). To enhance multi-disciplinary problem solving throughout the curriculum, we encourage participation from:

  • CIOs
  • CTOs
  • CPOs
  • Risk, Legal, and Operational Executives
  • Technology, privacy and business executives who are risk-focused and cyber conscious

The main stage sessions during the CyberRisk Leadership Exchange will be recorded. All Q&A during the main stage session and all other sessions during the event will follow the Chatham House Rule and are not recorded.

This is a complimentary event.

Please notify us of your late arrival so we can prepare ahead of time.

Please contact us with the name, title and email of the person you would like to attend and we will notify you if your substitution request can be accommodated.

This event will comply with all federal, state and local healthcare requirements.

To receive your CPE certificate, please stop by the registration desk as you leave the event. You have 45 days after the event to collect your CPE certificate.